Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The use of foreign labour is the only long term solution to overcoming Essay

The use of foreign labour is the only long term solution to overcoming the skills shortages in the construction industry in UK - Essay Example It is generally recognized that the industry needs to work on its image" (The construction industry 2001, p. 14). Among other dimensions featuring in this domain are the state of supply and demand for labour and the structure of employment in the UK. Critics (Ellinor 2005) admit that the nation getting older and foreign labour is the only long-term solution for construction industry (CEDIA UK 2005). Cumulative changes in the demand for labour and the structure of employment-in the macroeconomic arena provide the basis for a transition that is brought about acutely by the contingency of the crisis in the macro-political arena, during which labour-importing states like the UK seize the opportunity to achieve the rationalization of the labour market they have already been hesitantly reaching for. Economic disparities between territories sending and receiving migrants include differences in earnings, livelihoods and living standards (Gilbert 2003). The problem of labour shortage is long term: "and will not be solved unless the industry can reach out to a new generation of potential workers" (The construction industry 2001, p. 14). The rationalization, the replacement of denizens by foreign migrant workers, has political and security as well as economic motivations. Employers recruit skilled migrants because the skills are not available in the UK, and they employ less-skilled immigrants because British-born people - if they are available - are not willing to do the work" (What might be the implications 2007). The UK construction industry is already facing labour scarcity, an impact tacitly acknowledged by the authorities. With the changing economic environment, such factors as imbalance between supply and demand mark construction building in UK (Ross & Marton 2007). In spite of this situation, increased competition has enhanced the need of new technological innovations and economic improvement within the industry to satisfy the needs of the market. It is one of the most important infrastructure requirements, which is essential for the expansion of opportunities and plays an important role in making or breaking the competitive positioning (Industry Must Modernize 2007). Free movement of labour will help the construction industry to overcome labour shortage and ensure supply of foreign workers. The most important is that: "The 'journeymen' concept is widely established in the UK construction sector, and the engineering construction workforce have historically been flexible in regard to geographical mobility" (The construction industry 2001, p. 14). Economically, socially and financially, foreign labour will help the industry to respond to buyer needs and improve its performance. Recent years, the remarkable feature of construction industry in the UK is great imbalance between supply and demand. The basis for advantage is the fact that the industry can stay ahead of the market when firms are more sensitive to and more responsive to demand, and when supply, in turn, reflects or anticipates demand (Roder, 2003). Socially and economically, foreign labour will become a burden for both construction companies and the government. The balance can be achieved when the demand sets the quality standard and gives firms a better picture of buyer needs at an earlier time than is available to rivals. In contrast to UK workers, foreign labour

Monday, October 28, 2019

Abortion Case Study Paper Essay Example for Free

Abortion Case Study Paper Essay The case that I chose to discuss is whether it is ethically right or wrong for parents to decide whether or not they wish to keep an unborn child. This essay will address several questions that have been raised as to whether or not an abortion is moral or immoral, and if it were immoral, in what circumstances it would be justified. These are all relevant facts that both physicians and parents have to take into account when they are making their decision. If one would look at this case by the care ethics point of view their main focus would be on the care of the patient. It is important to look at that person and understand their emotional and physical decisions. Care ethics differs from deontology and utilitarianism because care ethics makes the decision based on consideration for the individual instead of making a moral decision impartially. See more: Homeless satire essay If everyone looked at abortion in a care ethic standpoint they would look at the situation by identifying the people involved, the relationships and what the future may be produce. The most important object of the care ethic is that the person judging the other must put the act that he or she must be willing to put another person before him or himself. Whichever result is chosen, it is important to respect one another’s decisions. In the chapters of our text we have been given several different scenarios of abortion. Out of those a few dealt with the care ethic and the choices faced. An article that fully supports my ideas and opinions is Thomson’s â€Å"A Defense of Abortion†. Thomson was very realistic and down to Earth in â€Å"A Defense of Abortion.† She speaks of real life situations when the decision of the mother is taken into consideration; thus providing us an example of the care ethic. I like that Thomson spoke about a territory that not many writers want to speak about. Speaking about the right of life and a mother’s feelings and futures is important to me. The article by Margaret Olivia Little entitled â€Å"The Morality of Abortion† is by far the one that I agree with the most! Philosopher Little believes that the moral status of the fetus is only one aspect of the morality of abortion. She speaks of the relationship in motherhood and the process of creation. The line that I loved the most was â€Å"The pregnant woman has not made the fetus more vulnerable than it would otherwise have been: absent her procreative actions, it wouldn’t have existed at all.† This line alone really explains to me what she is trying to say to people. I am happy that she wrote such a powerful article. While examining the care ethic, it is important to note that if complications are present, a whole new set of ethical issues are opened up. Yet, abortion has been a controversial subject among everybody whether they are involved directly or indirectly, whether they are for it or against it. It is nearly impossible to find someone who doesnt have an opinion about abortion. Both those who favor or oppose abortion make superior arguments to defend their beliefs and views. Personally, I think every last person is entitled to his or her own opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and rights. And yes, women have rights too, and denying women the right to choose abortion in the early stages of fetal development is denying her rights as a US citizen.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Defining Good Advice :: Definition Essays

Defining "Good Advice" Perhaps â€Å"good advice† is best defined as advice that fits into our lives, and produces desirable results. Luke reacted to this statement with the following, â€Å"I don’t know that I agree with this [the previous sentence]...good advice can be received and disregarded just as easily as it can be used, and then we may never know the results.† If and when I disregard advice, I must not find it to be that good. How well any advice fits into our lives and if we like the results is a harder thing to accomplish than one may think. If Kate had told me to â€Å"put my chin up and smile,† sure, Kate would be trying to help, but I was looking for something more specific that fit directly into my situation. Good advice can come from absolutely anyone. In narratives from our class, advice came from friends, relatives, colleges, experts, and enemies. However, all the advice we consider good advice was given to the advisee as an option, not a command. â€Å"Good advice should not be pushed on a person,† said Jeff Stotko. Not many people were willing to accept advice from someone who was telling them what to do. Instead, good advice was the stuff we are told and then we have to decide what to do with it. Good advice has a tendency to take us away from our own point of view and explore more options to the situation. Had Jackie’s contractor flat out told her without explanation that she couldn’t put in the window, she probably wouldn’t have listened to him. Her daughter’s room would now be in the living room, literally. When he told her about the problem and gave her the time to figure out what she wanted to do on her own, the advice became good advice. It d oes this because it makes Jackie decide for herself. We want to live our own lives, right? We don’t want others to live them for us; we just want their input sometimes. When the class looked at the three sections on contractions, it was pointed out that section A seemed to condemn contractions. We were all very wary to accept the paragraph which just stated without explanation that contractions are bad. The same goes for advice. I wouldn’t listen to someone who just says what I am doing is WRONG.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Correctional Design Essay -- Research Desing

This paper will exam aspects of correlational design. According to Fabiano-Smith (2011), correlational designs are non-experimental research designs that focus on observing variables as they naturally exist. Since this design type is non-experimental, one of its major disadvantages is the focus on the relationship of the variables and not is cause and effect between the variables. Despite this weakness, correlational design does have several strengths. It observes the variables as they occur in a natural setting without manipulation. Researchers often use the initial establishment of correlational relationships between variables to identify what variables should be further studied for cause and effect utilizing experimental designs. Why was correlational design chosen? Two of the three studies chosen indicated that there was very little empirical data available for their specific area of study. Establishing correlational relationships is a logical way to identify independent variables for experimental cause and effect research. McDuffie, Yoder, and Stone (2005) indicated that there was no empirical data available on their study of autism and pre-linguistic predictors of vocabulary. Researchers on the effectiveness of patient communications and interactions reported that previous studies did not specifically ask patients how they felt about their care (Shelton & Shryock 2007). Both of these statements make the choice of a correlational study the obvious jumping off point for research. The third study identified a need to clarify symbolic play as a possible independent variable since past studies had lumped symbolic and functional play into a category together (O’Toole & Chiat, 2006). Was it possible to use a... ...sly used APA, and the educational year first exposed to APA. The dependant variable would be the APA portion of the grade on papers. If a correlation is shown between low comfort level or exposure and low grades it might be possible to have the students pre-identified via a survey for either self enrollment in APA style tutorial classes or self study on the APA citation method. A correlational between year of first exposure and low grades might indicate that APA needs to be stressed more in earlier writing classes. If no correlation is found, students who self identify as not very familiar with or comfortable with this writing style could then be pointed towards APA study resources earlier in the semester to catch up. This study could help students get ahead with their knowledge base so they are not learning and correcting while writing actual graded papers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lewin’s Leadership Styles

Psychologist Kurt Lewin developed his leadership styles framework in the 1930s, and it provided the foundation of many of the approaches that followed afterwards. He argued that there are three major leadership styles:Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their team members, even if their input would be useful. This can be appropriate when you need to make decisions quickly, when there's no need for team input, and when team agreement isn't necessary for a successful outcome. However, this style can be demoralizing, and it can lead to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover. Democratic leaders make the final decisions, but they include team members in the decision-making process. They encourage creativity, and people are often highly engaged in projects and decisions. As a result, team members tend to have high job satisfaction and high productivity. This is not always an effective style to use, though, when you need to make a quick decision. Laissez-faire leader s give their team members a lot of freedom in how they do their work, and how they set their deadlines.They provide support with resources and advice if needed, but otherwise they don't get involved. This autonomy can lead to high job satisfaction, but it can be damaging if team members don't manage their time well, or if they don't have the knowledge, skills, or self motivation to do their work effectively. (Laissez-faire leadership can also occur when managers don't have control over their work and their people.) Lewin's framework is popular and useful, because it encourages managers to be less autocratic than they might instinctively be.The Blake-Mouton Managerial GridThe Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid was published in 1964, and it highlights the best leadership style to use, based on your concern for your people and your concern for production/tasks.With a people-oriented leadership style, you focus on organizing, supporting, and developing your team members. This participatory st yle encourages good teamwork and creative collaboration.With task-oriented leadership, you focus on getting the job done. You define the work and the roles required, put structures in place, and plan, organize, and monitor work.According to this model, the best leadership style to use is one that has both a high concern for people and a high concern for the task – it argues that you should aim for both, rather than trying to offset one against the other. Clearly, this is an important idea!The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership ® TheoryFirst published in 1969, the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory argues that you need to use different leadership styles depending on the maturity of your team members. The model argues that with relatively immature individuals, you need a more directing approach, while with higher maturity people, you need a more participative or delegating leadership style.You can use this model in most business situations, regardless of whet her you want to build a new team or develop an existing one.Path-Goal TheoryYou may also have to think about what your team members want and need. This is where Path-Goal Theory – published in 1971 – is useful.For example, highly-capable people, who are assigned to a complex task, will need a different leadership approach from people with low ability, who are assigned to an ambiguous task. (The former will want a participative approach, while the latter need to be told what to do.)With Path-Goal Theory, you can identify the best leadership approach to use, based on your people's needs, the task that they're doing, and the environment that they're working in.Six Emotional Leadership StylesDaniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee detailed their Six Emotional Leadership Styles theory in their 2002 book, â€Å"Primal Leadership.†The theory highlights the strengths and weaknesses of six leadership styles that you can use – Visionary, Coaching, Affilia tive, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Commanding. It also shows how each style can affect the emotions of your team members.Flamholtz and Randle's Leadership Style MatrixFirst published in 2007, Flamholtz and Randle's Leadership Style Matrix shows you the best leadership style to use, based on how capable people are of working autonomously, and how creative or â€Å"programmable† the task is.The matrix is divided into four quadrants – each quadrant identifies two possible leadership styles that will be effective for a given situation, ranging from â€Å"autocratic/benevolent autocratic† to â€Å"consensus/laissez-faire.†Transformational LeadershipThese leadership style frameworks are all useful in different situations, however, in business, â€Å"transformational leadership † is often the most effective leadership style to use. (This was first published in 1978, and was then further developed in 1985.)Transformational leaders have integrity and high e motional intelligence . They motivate people with a shared vision of the future, and they communicate well. They're also typically self-aware , authentic , empathetic , and humble .Transformational leaders inspire their team members because they expect the best from everyone, and they hold themselves accountable for their actions. They set clear goals, and they have good conflict-resolution skills . This leads to high productivity and engagement.However, leadership is not a â€Å"one size fits all† thing; often, you must adapt your approach to fit the situation. This is why it's useful to develop a thorough understanding of other leadership frameworks and styles; after all,  the more approaches you're familiar with, the more flexible you can be.Specific Leadership StylesAs well as understanding the frameworks that you can use to be a more effective leader, and knowing what it takes to be a transformational leader, it's also useful to learn about more general leadership styl es, and the advantages and disadvantages of each one.Let's take a look at some other leadership styles that are interesting, but don't fit with any of the frameworks above.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Guided speech on education example Essays

Guided speech on education example Essays Guided speech on education example Essay Guided speech on education example Essay What if we Had free periods for private studying with the teachers assisting? What If we had More languages available Including sign language Corporealness ,French,German, Greek, Spanish or Russian. Vote for us and well make It come true. I am the molester of education and part of the peoples party, here to tell YOU the reasons why you should vote for us. From yr 7-9 we are to wait patiently in nice straight lines, whether it be hailing or in the scorched sun. Even if the teachers are late, we are to still do the same. Now Im okay with that, really I am okay with it. But when a senior student comes along and gets to enter the class next to us, thats when Im not okay. Were standing here waiting and there Just sitting casually in a comfortable seat. Its isnt fair. From year 7 were entering a new school with, new students and new environment. Its already a big responsibility moving Into high school. : Im pretty sure that well be responsible to be able to sit In class. Wouldnt you agree? After waiting outside from prep to year 6 1 think we would have enough experience Walling In two lines. What we need now Is to e able to sit In class out of the harsh weather and not be sick all the time because of that missing out on important classes. Once every week Just a period would be nice if there was a free studying period for students to go to, with teachers assisting. This would help students who dont do homework at home feels more motivated. Its would be a quiet area Just like the one in the library for vice students, but for students from Yr 7-9. This will not also benefit students but for teachers as well. While students study, teachers can also correct students homework At the same time and have a one on one talk with students explaining what they did wrong and what to Improve on. This can also take a load of work off the teachers back and have a more time to relax Instead of rushing to get the corrections done and have students yelling when there assignments and tests are given back. At school we have already two languages which are Chinese and Italian. Some students like learning these languages but some dont. As the Minster of education I believe we should have more Of a variety to choose from. After searching around on the Internet I have found top 10 languages students want to learn which are listed in the brochure that has been handed down. If students simply dont want to learn a new language we are offering Sign language. Sign language can be useful to have and can be seen as a deferent perspective. Itll be fun and a new way of learning different signs to help communicate with one another. This way you will be still learning a language which you can enjoy, befitting you and your education. In year 7 If students arent sure what language they want to choose, we can help you that Is If you vote for us. We can Help you choose up to four languages and try each one every term to see which one you would like the most to follow up into year 8 everyone of you.

Monday, October 21, 2019


DO I HATE OR LOVE YOU essays Why is it that you leave me feeling so alone and confused? All I want in our relationship is a feeling of love, but something keeps me coming back to you. Maybe it's your smile that keeps me from saying we're through. Or maybe your eyes that I just fall into. Maybe it's the sweet words you claim you mean. I don't think you mean them, from what I've seen. It's hard to understand why you hurt me when you say you love me. I wish you would show me you want to be with me. When I think of you, I think I hate you. When I hear your voice, I can't feel any way other than I love you. Please, just give me a sign you're still there. Just, please, show me you really care, Because right now I'm feeling low and alone. I wanted to slowly give you my heart and my soul. But, you stole my heart and my soul whole. You left no love for me to love others with. You are the only one I love and want to be with. Just, please, show me you want to be with me, too. For I know what I feel and I feel that I love you. Do I Hate You Or Love You? Why is it that you leave me feeling so alone and confused? All I want in our relationship is a feeling of love, but something keeps me coming back to you. Maybe it's your smile that keeps me from saying we're through. Or maybe your eyes that I just fall into. Maybe it's the sweet words you claim you mean. I don't think you mean them, from what I've seen. It's hard to understand why you hurt me when you say you love me. I wish you would show me you want to be with me. When I think of you, I think I hate you. When I hear your voice, I can't feel any way other than I love you. Please, just give me a sign you're still there. Just, please, show me you really care, ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Sample

Critical Thinking Essay Sample Critical Thinking Essay Sample What it means to be human in ancient Israel: Israelites are a group of people in the Middle East who believe that they are all descendants of Jacob. The Israelites are perhaps the only people with a well recorded history dating back to 6000BC; their history is well written in religious books such as the Quran and the bible. In the olden days being an Israelite was a hard thing as you had to live according to the standards set by the leaders and the God that was never seen, most people suffered as there was no democracy. The Israelites were ruled by kings who had super special powers and no one was authorized to question their judgment. To them, the kings were a level lower than God and therefore deserved to be respected. The people of Israel were monotheists, meaning they worshiped only one God but sometimes they ended up worshiping the gods and goddesses of the surrounding people. According to their religious beliefs, it was clearly stated that one should worship only God despite that some went against the rule. However, there were serious consequences attributed to that. For instance, anyone found worshiping another god was stoned to death outside the city and in the case where the whole group was found to worship other gods it resulted in mass punishments that would sometimes lead to death. The Israelite community constituted of twelve tribes. Among these tribes was the Leviticus where the entire priests were chosen from. The Levites only become priest and they were not required to do any duties other than their temple work. Furthermore, they had no land and therefore depended on the other tribes for food who had to give out one tenth of their produce to the Levites. This can be seen as some form of exploitation of the people of Israel as others had to work and use their hard work to feed the people who had been chosen by god. Despite this, they highly believed that it was the right thing to do before God. In Israel, most people were farmers and lived in small villages while a small number lived in towns. However, the towns were much smaller and underdeveloped than the modern day towns. Markets were always held in the gateways of the towns. The life of most Israelites however revolved around worshiping and most of the time they were either doing service to god or praying to god for forgiveness. The Israelites had rules that were supposed to guide them throughout their life; these rules were known as the commandments. These had to be followed strictly failure to which they would be punished severely. Moses one of the early Israelites, was given these rules by god while on top of Mount Sinai, alone meaning no one was there to witness him being given the rules. This means that the people had to live and abide by the rules that they did not have a chance to even vote for and make a decision yet no one was supposed to go against them failure to which lead to death. This can be seen as some form of dictatorship as only one person was to be heard and if anyone went against him it automatically led to death. Death penalties were common in Israel (the bible, exodus) and many crimes resulted in death, especially crimes that were related to religion. This is ironical as the same person (God) who created the people could be so mercy less and set rules that took away the life that he made. This can be seen as rules that were set by selfish leaders so as to make the people not to question their performances and believe that they had been chosen by god and so everything they did was right. Leadership was highly respected in ancient Israel and no one was supposed to go against the leaders and anyone found to go against the leaders was persecuted by stoning. Yet these leaders were not chosen or elected by the people the leaders were chosen by God and they had to be from some families. Sex before marriage was an abomination and any person found having sex without getting married would be killed. To some point this rule was good but the punishment was too harsh for the crime, homosexuality would also lead to a death penalty this was wrong because it led to death yet life was supposed to be respected. The common man had no excuse for sinning and if he was found to have sinned it would result in heavy punishment. On the other hand leaders could sin and get away with it take an example of David who killed a man for his wife but because he was loved by God he was forgiven, if he had been a common man then he would have been killed without questioning(Harmer 89). Gender inequality was common and women were looked down upon, they held no positions in the political posts and had to do whatever the men said the woman had to respect the man and had to get married and have children a woman who had no children was considered cursed even if the husband was the cause of the problem. Prostitution was not allowed and any woman found was killed yet the man was not killed. This is very unfair to women as all of them had sinned and not the woman alone so why kill the woman alone and not all of them. War was common in ancient Israel and the local people did not decide when to go to war. This was a decision that was made by the leaders as they were the once to decide when to go to war and when not to go to war. Soldier’s war picked from every family who had to give a son to defend the people, even though this is not wrong it is still wrong considering the fact that during war people would die. However the soldiers had to go to war and incase of death there was no compensations that was made to the family. In conclusion it is evident that the people of Israel suffered a lot and this was mainly because of their leaders who were believed to be God chosen yet they were just ordinary people. Life was unfair for the common man and they had to live in fear of death as most simple crimes would lead to death by stoning, and no one was allowed to question those in authority as they were believed to be chosen by God. If you are looking for professional essay writing services to get your critical thinking essay written by certified academic writers contact www.!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Arkansas Economy - about Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arkansas Economy - about Agriculture - Essay Example According to the survey, it has been revealed that about more than 46% of the rice are supplied to the United States. Top five agricultural products ofArkansas that generate supreme amount of revenue for the state are cotton, broilers, cattle, soybeans and rice. â€Å"The export value of rice generated by Arkansas is 3859 million dollars which is number one in the United States† (Cosidine 19a). The export valued for cotton is at 615 million dollar and it is fourth in the United States. In the crop sector the direct contribution to economy is by providing more than 62,918 jobs and more than 3,062 million dollar value added to the economy of Arkansas. â€Å"In the year 2011, survey states that more than 12.8 billion dollars of value added to the economy of Arkansas† (Considine 26b). This huge revenue is generated which accounted due to enormous agricultural resources. Total contribution to the economy of Arkansas can be direct, indirect and induced contribution. Direct contributions to the economy are generated by the help of forest products and farm production. Some agricultural firms of Arkansas purchase product from other business of same state can generate revenue is known as the indirect contribution to the economy. Contributions generated from employees working in agricultural farms can spend portion of money within Arkansas can benefit the economy of the state. â€Å"In the year 2012, survey states that more than 47,800 farms are located in Arkansas† (USDA 7a). The diversified portfolio of Arkansas profits the state in revenue and which benefit the economy. The net farm income generated from the number of far ms present in Arkansas is 1.4 billion dollar. Estimated amount of export of rice is 1 billion annually. Arkansas is number of export of rice. â€Å"The agriculture of Arkansas enables to create 24% job in the state† (USDA 12b). This resembles the fact the agriculture has become pivotal for Arkansas by creating large number of jobs. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

Heroic Firefighting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Heroic Firefighting - Term Paper Example Evidently, the real majority here is the whole population of New Haven, whose welfare and safety is being threatened by certain implications of demoralization and disunity in their ranks as emergency first responders. The case of a city and their racially diverse workforce involves a group of experienced firefighters applying for the next higher rank and took a strict and expensive process of eligibility exams. The man behind the rejection of their new badge was their own Mayor John DeStefano of New Haven, who was accused of favoritism and acts of race-coding a job-related civil service eligibility tests. DeStefano and his alleged political cronyism and of politicizing civil service laws with his cohorts were put on the spot soon as the group of White Hispanic firefighters numbering about twenty went from court to court questioning the denial of their promotion to lieutenants and captains and their well-deserved, long-awaited promotion given a contentious coding of race. The complain ants, who underwent expensive and grueling phase-by-phase examinations accredited, programmed and funded no less by the city fought back with their complaint of reverse discrimination against a small group of disgruntled Black applicants who failed the tests and were the same group behind the raising of the issues of the lack of minority representation. Supreme Court, such an emerging condition has already created a division and animosity in the very core of important frontline services involving the protection of residents.... The man behind the rejection for their new badge was their own Mayor John DeStefano of New Haven, who was accused of favoritism and acts of race-coding a job-related civil service eligibility tests and certain political stunts. DeStefano and his alleged political cronyism and of politicizing civil service laws with his cohorts were put on the spot soon as the group of White Hispanic firefighters numbering about twenty went from court to court questioning the denial of their promotion to lieutenants and captains and their well-deserved, long-awaited promotion given a contentious coding of race. The complainants, who underwent expensive and grueling phase-by-phase examinations accredited, programmed and funded no less by the city fought back with their complaint of reverse discrimination against a small group of disgruntled Black applicants who failed the tests and were the same group behind the raising of the issues of the lack of minority representation. The crux of the matter: In th eir Case Summary What Our Case Is About ( the group of lieutenants, who had been deprived of promotion have strongly suggested of DeStefano as â€Å"He has been accused repeatedly (and sued multiple times) for violating the law in order to politicize the civil service and award jobs based on race and political cronyism.† The managerial implications are wide-ranging as the case threatens to impede services among first responders in this city of the American East Coast due to possible demoralization, low morale or even disenchantment. Political repercussions is also great and no matter how judicious and fast the final outcome will be in the treatment of the case by the BRAVE,

Code of the Street Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Code of the Street - Essay Example As a result, mainstream institutions such as the law, are experienced and interpreted through a different lens. This essay will critically analyse and reflect upon Anderson's code for the purposes of determining both its validity and viability. The code of the street is defined as "a set of prescriptions and proscriptions, or informal rules of behavior organized around a desperate search for respect that governs public social relations, especially violence" (Anderson, 1999: 9). Within the code people operate under a "threat of vengeance" which acts as a shield to violent encounters (Anderson, 1999: 10). The code is "a set of informal rules governing interpersonal public behavior, particularly violence" in inner-city neighborhoods (Anderson, 1999: 33). It is residents' form of "law" or their "street justice" (Anderson, 1999: 10). The code thus is an alternative system to the middle-class norm. While it may be difficult for outsiders to evaluate the validity of the state due to lack of lived experience with street life, one can safely assert that Anderson's analysis rings true insofar as it appears to stem from the very nature of social systems' rules and regulations. Any social setting is governed by a set of rules which mu st be strictly followed should one wish to negotiate his/her way through the system in question and interact with members therein. The street, according to Anderson, is no different. Proceeding from the above stated, it is necessary to point out that in any social setting, self-esteem is important, as is its preservation. The street is no different. In inner-city communities, respect is key to one's self-concept and as such, the code prescribes "the proper way to respond if challenged" (Anderson, 1999: 33). On the street, one's reputation is highly valued and important to his self-identity. To maintain reputation, there is a constant "threat of violence" against those who may attempt to trample another's standing in the community (Anderson, 1999: 15). Anderson argues that the code regulates violence on the street as it offers approved justifications for those desiring to aggress against another. Whether or not you engage in violence, you are aware of the penalty if there is a rule violation (Anderson, 1999). The code thus is one's defense on the street. The code "provides a framework for negotiating respect" and is a "practical" mechanism for surviving on the str eet (Anderson, 1999: 134). Respect is a powerful commodity on the streets of inner-city America and is "a form of social capital " Anderson (1999: 66) Respect is premised on "being treated right" and given deference (Anderson, 1999: 33). Respect is external and must be demonstrated and seen. On the street, young Black males must constantly prove themselves often using physical violence. Once you have established yourself, respect acts like shield of protection. To maintain respect, one must have a hardened image and appear unbreakable. While life off the street emphasises respect and self-esteem, it does not prescribe violence as a means of attaining and later preserving it. In other words, societal culture and street culture have different perceptions of the meaning of respect and its determinants, despite their both outlining and highlighting its importance. Just as is the case with society in general, street society is not homogenous but comprised of different groups, cultures and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance Essay

The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance - Essay Example In order to tie these people up together, there is a need to focus on the fact that any action needs to be affective first in order to be effective. This is where entrepreneurial orientation comes in. It has been described as a process that integrates personal and organisational goals so as to form a common value base. This act in itself will help in garnering better performance standards through better allocation and optimum utilisation of resources. This paper seeks to reveal the effects of this entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance through a study based on two premises that have to do with entrepreneurial control as well as competitive advantage so as to discuss the internal and external factors that affect firm performance when entrepreneurial orientation is exercised. The organisation, in the modern day context, has become a body that is made up of its human resource and the quality that this resource base imbibes into the operational sphere of the organisation. The modern day organisation depends to a great extent on the contribution and quality of its human capital. The human capital may be defined as that element of the organisation’s operational sphere that is a living, breathing part of the activities that put the innate resources and factors of production into application. This application results in profits arising out of the activities of the human capital and the efficiency with which this resource carries out its tasks. This in turn, has a bearing on the achievement of the organisation’s goals in the sense that the organisation is structured according to the quality of the HR within it. Also, it shows the principles that are followed by the management in manning the organisation. The entrepreneurial orientation takes place on the basis of the strategic business plan. This plan for any organisation depends on its resource

See instructions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

See instructions - Research Paper Example According to narratives by Fredrick Douglass ,who apparently was born in slavery but managed to educate himself and later escaped establishing himself as one of America’s greatest leaders, slavery continued to thrive in spite of slave owners claiming theirs was a nominally Christians democracy. Douglass wrote three main autographical narratives that have been identified not only as classics of American history but also as American literature. Douglass, normally, wrote with unmatched fierce intelligence and eloquence that made him a giftedly successful spokesman not only for the abolition of slavery but also in regard to equal rights. He thus shapes an extremely inspiring image of self-realization in the wake of colossal odds. In one of his narratives known as ‘Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave’ that was published in 1845, 7 years after he escaped from slavery, Douglass writes in response to cynics who could not believe that such an arti culate orator was once a slave(Kornblith,2010). This is a powerfully compressed description of the oppression and cruelty that took place in Maryland plantation, where Douglass was born and brought up. This account catapulted him to the front position of anti-slavery crusade, drawing in thousands, white and black alike, to this cause (Douglass,2014). In another of his account, My Bondage and My Freedom which was published, in 1855, after Douglass had become a well-known newspaper editor, he further expands the narration of his slavery years. Douglass with astounding psychological penetration explores the agonizing ambiguities together with delicately corrosive consequences of black-white relationships under slavery and afterwards recounts his resolute resistance to the Northern segregation. In addition, the book includes extracts from some of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance Essay

The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance - Essay Example In order to tie these people up together, there is a need to focus on the fact that any action needs to be affective first in order to be effective. This is where entrepreneurial orientation comes in. It has been described as a process that integrates personal and organisational goals so as to form a common value base. This act in itself will help in garnering better performance standards through better allocation and optimum utilisation of resources. This paper seeks to reveal the effects of this entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance through a study based on two premises that have to do with entrepreneurial control as well as competitive advantage so as to discuss the internal and external factors that affect firm performance when entrepreneurial orientation is exercised. The organisation, in the modern day context, has become a body that is made up of its human resource and the quality that this resource base imbibes into the operational sphere of the organisation. The modern day organisation depends to a great extent on the contribution and quality of its human capital. The human capital may be defined as that element of the organisation’s operational sphere that is a living, breathing part of the activities that put the innate resources and factors of production into application. This application results in profits arising out of the activities of the human capital and the efficiency with which this resource carries out its tasks. This in turn, has a bearing on the achievement of the organisation’s goals in the sense that the organisation is structured according to the quality of the HR within it. Also, it shows the principles that are followed by the management in manning the organisation. The entrepreneurial orientation takes place on the basis of the strategic business plan. This plan for any organisation depends on its resource

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bilingual Education in Turkey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Bilingual Education in Turkey - Research Paper Example This report highlights that there are programs of bilingual education undertaken in turkey and the possible ways that can be used to teach English in a more efficient way. Finally, the problems experienced in teaching and acquisition of English language in turkey and especially the minority communities, Kurdish and Armenian and the possible solutions that can be adopted in attempt to solve the problem of acquisition and teaching of English language.As the discussion stresses  the geography of turkey is feasible, the climate is warm hence very conducive for human life and is very rich in natural resources, and thus it attracted people from different areas. There are different languages that the researchers have used over time; this gives the evidence of turkey as a bilingual state. The nationality of turkey has undergone changes over time resulting from the change of its nature and constituency. Turkey has been concentrating on issues concern the building of its nation since the twe ntieth century but currently it has undergone several changes into a state power despite the social problems it undergoes. The citizens of Turkey were disappointed by the hegemonic system of government where their hopes very high, consequently, the government failed.  The military coup that took place in 1960 showed the failure of this system of government which was later followed by several interventions of the military.

Tears Idle Tears Essay Example for Free

Tears Idle Tears Essay Tears, Idle Tears is from the The Princess published in 1847. The poem was set in a fairy tale realm discussing women’s rights in education. The poem has interludes of songs or lyrics that were so acclaimed that they were seen as independent from the original Princess. Tears is one of those songs. The song begins with someone crying but not knowing ‘what they mean’ by crying. The person is crying from somewhere deep inside, a ‘divine despair. ’ Emotionally charged tears that are yet to have a cause. Throughout the song Tennyson speaks of ‘days that are no more’ speaking of a time that was happy and now all that is left is a depressed reflection. He begins with ‘happy Autumn fields’ reminiscing on the memories that were once of spring and growth and now all that is left in the field is emptiness. The song was written while Tennyson was in Titern Abbey in autumn, where the area held the burial place of his friend, Hallem. So perhaps the tears are from some underlying emotion for the death of his friend. This can be proven in the next line â€Å"Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail, that brings our friends up from the underworld,† the line referring to the underworld in which the boatman ferries the dead to Hades. The third stanza refers to a man dying in the ‘earliest pipe of half-awaken’d birds. ’ It is an interesting contrast that as a new day dawns an old life ends, even more so that the last thing the man hears is the soft hymn of the morning birds. A gentle way to approach death as Tennyson would have wanted for his friends. In the final stanza Tennyson continues his somber teary remarks as in the first stanza where he now mentions: Dear as remember’d kisses after death And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feign’d On lips that are for other; deep as love, Deep as first love, and wild with all regret; O Death in Life, that days that are no more. The speaker is wild with regret in concern for the days lost with his friends that were the ‘Death in Life’ as he experienced loved ones dying and coping with the emotions that come and go as in the first stanza when ‘idle tears’ form. He does not know why he cries but subconsciously he is aware that it is because of death. The final line eclipses the subjective meaning in each stanza that the memories and happiness he had once felt are in ‘the days that are no more. ’

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effect of Alcohol on Human Sperm In Vitro

Effect of Alcohol on Human Sperm In Vitro EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON HUMAN SPERMATOZOA IN VITRO: SPERM CHROMATIN DISPERSSION TEST AND ROS. Omkar Pokharkar, Dr. Himanshu Patel, Madhuri Patel, Vidisha Bhatt. Abstract: This study was carried out to find the detrimental effect on human spermatozoa when exposed to alcohol/ethanol in vitro. For this study semen samples obtained from 12 healthy individuals were washed using the sperm preparation technique and each washed samples were divided into equal aliquots. Then ethanol at various concentrations of 60 mm and 120 mm were added to the aliquots labeled as test samples and samples without ethanol were considered as control samples. All samples with or without ethanol were incubated for 1 hour (60 minutes) at 370C. These samples when subjected to semen analysis after exposure to ethanol, it was found that samples added with 60 mm ethanol showed a decrease in motility and vitality, sperms in samples with 120 mm ethanol were almost static with minimum motility. Sperms in both test samples revealed degraded vitality. DNA fragmentation test or SCD when carried out it was revealed that ethanol caused DNA fragmentation in sperms and as the concentr ation of ethanol increased, DNA fragmentation also increased, motility of sperms decreased and morphology was affected to some extent such as the head and tail defects which was less in the control samples. The sample aliquots with 120 mm ethanol showed morphological abnormalities. The ROS test performed using Agarose-N-gel tubes on the unwashed/raw samples exposed to ethanol in different concentrations revealed the highest oxidative stress displaying dark purple color and unexposed samples showed light pink color indicating low oxidative stress. Reactive oxygenspeciescan damage DNA bases and can cause lesions that block the progression ofreplication. This study proved that, alcohol when consumed can destroy sperm mobility, vitality and causes high fragmentation levels. Keywords: Ethanol, sperms, DNA fragmentation, motility, vitality, ROS. INTRODUCTION: Alcohol is a drug which is classified as depressant, when consumed in low/controlled volume it can induce the stimulant effect, but if an individual consumes excess alcohol then he experiences the depressant effect. Alcohol is produced by fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches. Alcohol gets absorbed rapidly from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. Once alcohol enters the stomach, up to 20% of it gets absorbed and directly enters the bloodstream. Within minutes, alcohol reaches to the brain. Even various nutrients are not capable to pull this off. The remaining alcohol enters into the intestines and is absorbed along with the nutrients. Only a small amount of alcohol is excreted from the body through urine, sweat etc which is not enough to get rid of alcohol in the blood stream.When the alcohol is consumed, the human body is hardwired to metabolize alcohol immediately that means the body stops metabolizing all other things just to metabolize alcohol first becaus e protein, carbohydrates, and fat, can be stored whereas alcohol cannot be stored in the body so it has to be metabolized first and excreted as soon as possible. Alcohol can affect every organ in the consumer’s body and can damage the developing fetus in woman who is pregnant. Also alcohol has the potential to severely damage sperms. If alcohol consumption is fairly regular then it will affect sperm motility and vitality in men. Heavy alcohol consumption lowers the sperm count leaving the person infertile and the levels of free radicals generated due to alcohol can break DNA strands in the sperm cells. The aim of this study was focused on the effects of alcohol on sperms and mainly on the level of DNA fragmentation and oxidative stress caused in sperm samples due to alcohol in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the study of alcohol effects on sperms in vitro, Semen samples from 12 healthy men (non-alcoholic) aged 21 – 27 were collected in wide mouthed sterile collection containers and Sperm samples were obtained during 3-4 days of sexual abstinence and liquefied for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. The quality of the sperm is judged on the basis of its morphology and movement patterns or motility and vitality. For in vitro study, sperm samples from healthy individuals were washed by swim up from pellet method, which is a very common method for retrieval of viable sperms and has a high success rate. All the washed samples were divided in 3 equal aliquots of 0.5ml. Ethanol in different concentrations of 60mm and 120 mm respectively were added to 2 sample aliquots labeled as test samples and 1 aliquot was un-exposed to alcohol labeled as control sample. These samples were incubated for 60 minutes at 370C and subjected to semen analysis according to the guidelines set by world heal th organization. Sperm count and motility evaluation was done under bright field microscope, morphology was studied by making smears of sperms on the slides and was stained using Giemsa stain. pH was observed by using a pH strip and vitality of the sperms were noted by staining sperms with eosin and nigrosin stain. Morphology was judged by referring the types of sperm deformities proposed by WHO (World Health Organization., 2010). Motility was calculated by using a formula: 100 X (number of motile spermatozoa)/ (total number of spermatozoa counted). Also for calculating vitality percentage: 100 X (number of viable spermatozoa)/ (total number of spermatozoa counted). More than 500 spermatozoa per ejaculate were evaluated for estimation of sperm motility and vitality. The outcome of this analysis was noted. The rest of the control and test samples were used for DNA fragmentation test. SPERM CHROMATIN DISPERSION TEST: The test aliquots were added with various concentrations of alcohol (60mm and 120mm respectively) to see what concentration of alcohol will affect the DNA of the sperms. The control sample (0.5 ml) with no ethanol and 2 test samples (0.5 ml each) mixed with ethanol incubated at 370 C for 60 minutes were subjected to DNA fragmentation test. Requirements per sample were 3 coated slides, 1 for control and other 2 for test. The procedure involved addition of sperm samples of both test and control to agarose tubes which were previously boiled for 2 minutes. After adding and mixing the 40 Â µl droplets of sperms from both control and test samples in the agarose tubes, a total of 150 Â µl droplets of sperm samples from each tube was extracted using micropipette and was laid on pre-coated slides. Cover slips were placed on the droplets for even distribution of sperm sample immersed in agarose matix on the slide. The 3 slides of 1 control and 2 test samples were kept inside a fridge for 6 m inutes to solidify the agarose gel in which sperms were added. After this step, cover slips were removed in such a way that the gel integrity was not disturbed. Acid denaturant (1 ml) was laid on the slide for 7 minutes and was drained. Then 1ml of lysis solution was overlaid on the slide for 20 minutes and was drained. Then both test and control slides were washed with 20 ml of distilled water and were overlaid with 1 ml each of dehydrating solutions 1, 2, 3 for 2 minutes each. After disposing or draining the dehydrating solutions, the slides were air dried for few minutes. Stain was prepared by mixing stain solution and stain diluting solution. The slides prepared for each of the 12 samples were stained for 3 minutes and were washed in a beaker filled with tap water to remove excess stain. Slides were again air dried for few minutes before observing under bright field microscope for halos. For calculating percentage of DNA fragmentation: 100 X (Number of spermatozoa with fragmente d DNA)/ (Total number of spermatozoa counted). More than 450 spermatozoa per ejaculate were evaluated for estimation of sperm DNA fragmentation (Omkar pokharkar et al., 2015). For this study, A Sperm DNA Fragmentation Detection Kit called ‘CANfrag’ [REF No.CA-001], provided by ‘CANdORE Bioscience’, Ahmedabad, Gujarat was used to assess the levels of sperm DNA fragmentation in the samples. This entire procedure was followed for all 12 samples and it took around 18 days (10th February –27th February, 2015) for completion of the study and to arrive at results. ROS (reactive oxygen species) test: A Reactive Oxygen Species detection kit called ‘CANros’ [REF NO.CA-002] also provided by ‘CANdORE Bioscience’ was employed for mapping oxidative stress in exposed and un-exposed samples. Along with washed samples of test and control, 2 aliquot (test) of raw samples of 0.5 ml each was also added with ethanol in various concentration of 60mm and 120 mm respectively and control raw sample of 0.5ml was un-exposed to alcohol. After incubation of both control and test samples for 60 minutes in an incubator at 370C, ROS test was conducted by heating the Agarose N-Gel tubes in boiling water at 90-100Â ºC for 2 minutes to melt the gel. The tubes were cooled down for 2 minutes at room temperature before addition of the sample. 0.2 ml of semen sample was added and mixed thoroughly with the melted agarose gel and air bubbles were avoided. The Agarose-N-gel tubes were then placed in an incubator at 37Â ºC for 60 minutes. After incubation the color changes were observed immediately and were compared with the color code mentioned in the ROS kit to determine the level of oxidative stress present in the sample (Omkar pokharkar et al., 2015). The results of this test were noted. RESULTS: The pH of both exposed samples (60mm and 120 mm) was in the abnormal range. Alcohol affected the pH of the samples in which it was added and increased with the increase in the concentration of alcohol. Morphology of sperms was affected by alcohol to some extent only in samples with 120 mm ethanol/ 0.5 ml of sperm sample. The sperm count in all the samples remained in normal range at these concentrations. The average sperm count for all samples throughout the study was in the range of 60 to 70 million sperms/per ml. The average percentages of motility and vitality obtained for all 12 samples were calculated and framed in the table below. Results are mentioned in the chart and table form below: Table I. Semen parameters for both alcohol exposed and un-exposed samples Chart I. Effect of alcohol on sperm motility The motility in sperm samples was decreased due to alcohol exposure. Motility in samples un-exposed to alcohol showed excellent motility and samples exposed to the alcohol showed a decrease in the motility as the concentration of alcohol increased. Chart II. Effect of alcohol on sperm vitality The chart mentioned above indicates that, the sperm un-exposed to the alcohol showed an excellent range of vitality percentage while the exposed samples at various concentration of alcohol showed a constant drop in the vitality percentage. The table mentioned below represents the average DNA fragmentation percentages obtained for all 12 samples. Table II. DNA fragmentation in exposed and un-exposed samples Chart III. Sperm DNA fragmentation due to alcohol Figure I. Original picture of DNA fragmentation slide un-exposed to alcohol (control slide) It is evident from the picture above that, the samples un-exposed to ethanol showed maximum sperms with intact DNA displaying large halos. On the other hand, the samples exposed to ethanol in concentrations of 60mm and 120mm showed maximum sperms with fragmented and degraded DNA and revealed minimum sperms with intact DNA displaying small and no halos. Below is the picture showing fragmented and degraded sperms. Figure II. Original picture of DNA fragmentation slide exposed to alcohol [60mm and 120mm (test slide)] ROS (reactive oxygen species) TEST. ROS test were performed using freshly collected semen samples. Test aliquot of core samples exposed to alcohol at concentration of 60mm/0.5 ml and the 2nd test aliquot exposed to alcohol at concentration of 120mm/0.5 ml of semen sample produced dark purple colour. On the other hand control aliquot un-exposed to alcohol showed light pink colour. Low levels of ROS (un-exposed samples). light pink Table III. Reactive oxygen species result for alcohol Dark purple color was obtained for both test samples which indicated that highest level of oxidative stress was induced in the sample due to alcohol. Whereas samples un-exposed (control) to alcohol showed light pink color. Alcohol, at even low concentrations can achieve highest levels of ROS. CONCLUSION: The study revealed that alcohol in high concentrations can damage the sperms in every possible way and make it non-viable. The results mentioned above point out to the fact that as the alcohol/ethanol concentration increases, the sperm quality decreases. Motility in control samples was greater as compared to both the test samples (see Chart I). Vitality in sperm samples went on degrading as the ethanol concentration increased (see Chart II). Morphological abnormalities were mostly scored on the test slides with 120 mm ethanol and samples with 60 mm ethanol and control samples with no ethanol showed a normal range of morphological defects and pH of samples also increased with the increase in concentration of alcohol (see Table I). This indicated that the alcohol in high concentrations can damage the physical appearance of sperms. The number of sperms with fragmented DNA was most prominent in the test samples with 120 mm ethanol and 60 mm ethanol. On the other hand, control samples sho wed fewer fragmentations (see Table II and Chart III). The sperms with fragmented DNA disperse small halos and most of the time no halos were observed (see Figure II) and sperms with intact DNA disperse big halos (see Figure I). By this method, it becomes easy to map the fragmented and non-fragmented DNA of the sperms. ROS test was conducted to evaluate the findings and it gave the further evidence of fragmentation caused due to alcohol in vitro by achieving dark purple color in the Agarose-N-gel tubes by reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium and un-exposed samples managed to display light pink color indicating low levels of free radicals (see Table III). Reactive oxygenspecieshas the potential to damage DNA bases and can cause lesions that blocks progression ofreplication. Damaged sperm chromatin contains base adducts and the prominent adducts found in human sperm DNA are 8OHdG (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine or 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2–deoxyguanosine) present in nuclear and mitochondr ial DNA is one of the predominant forms of free radical-induced oxidative lesions, and is widely used as a biomarker for oxidative stress and carcinogenesis also two ethenonucleosides such as 1,N6-ethenoadenosine and 1,N6-ethanoguanosine are found in sperm DNA. Single strand breaks are the direct consequences of oxidative attacks on sperm DNA. DISCUSSION: As the coin has 2 sides, alcohol too have a good and a bad side. It depends how the individual use the alcohol and for what purpose. Alcohol is in use for scientific purposes as well as for production of beverages such as beer and wine for centuries. Applications of Alcohol in the field of science date back to 18th century when it was used for dressing up the wounds and to sterilize the equipment for surgery (civil war in U.S. 1850’s). Today along with these applications, alcohol is also used as antifreeze, preservatives, fuels, and also as solvents. But high consumption of alcohol is not beneficial in any way; Addiction to alcohol could severely damage the reproductive system of that individual making him infertile. A few studies around the world indicated that consumption of alcohol every day can effectively reduce the sperm count and quality of the sperm degrades as the consumption of alcohol increases. The people with disorders such as ‘auto brewery syndrome’ (gut fermentation syndrome) have very less reproductive capabilities. In this type of syndrome body produces alcohol through endogenous fermentations within the digestive system. A fungal infection of ‘Saccharomyces cerevisiae’ in gastrointestinal tract is responsible for this condition. This constant production of alcohol leads to several other body problems such as kidney failure, liver dysfunction and leydig cells in the testes are damaged which are responsible for production of testosterone and the levels of testosterone in blood drops and also Sertoli cells present in the testes are affected which interferes with sperm maturation. Immature sperms present in the ejaculateare not capable to move and fertilize the egg. The aim of this study was focused on in vitro effects of ethanol which involved direct exposure of ethanol to sperms which caused more damaging effect. However, in vivo study of effects of alcohol on sperms would produce more promising and accurate resu lts as compared to in vitro study because alcohol undergoes elimination by various metabolic mechanisms that occur in the body. The enzymes involved are aldehyde dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase, cytochrome P450 and catalase. The interaction occurring between alcohol byproducts obtained after metabolism and other cell components, leads to the formation of dangerous compounds such as reactive oxygen species (ROS). Alcohol metabolism occurs primarily in the liver. Alcohol undergoes detoxification procedure and gets eliminated from the blood by the process termed as oxidation. Oxidation inhibits accumulation of alcohol and prevents destruction of cells and other organs in the body to some extent. So the in vivo results would be much different than in vitro study as the alcohol undergoes metabolic paths. In in vitro study direct exposure of ethanol caused high fragmentations and more damage was inflicted to the sperm parameters (motility, vitality, morphology, and pH). It can be con cluded that, consumption of alcohol is associated with degradation of sperm quality which can be reversed to some extent upon alcohol consumption discontinuation which would reduce the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and intake of antioxidants on a regular basis would maintain low concentration of free radicals and will protect the DNA of sperms from damage. AKNOWLEDGEMENT: Authors would like to thank the entire team of stem cure pvt ltd, center for reproductive medicine and stem cell development – Ahmedabad, India, for their contribution whenever needed. Authors would also like to thank Komal Patel for providing laboratory equipments to carry out this study. REFERENCES: [1] World Health Organization. (2010). WHO laboratory manual for the Examination and processing of human semen (5 ed.). (D. T. Cooper, Ed.) geneva, Switzerland. [2] Omkar pokharkar et al. (2015). Effect of Wi-Fi radiations on sperms in vitro:Sperm DNA fragmentation test and ROS. International journal of healthcare sciences, III(1), 26-30.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Tragedy Of Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

The Tragedy Of Hamlet Hardship, unfortunately, is a part of everyone's life. It is unavoidable, and in Hamlets case he found out that bad luck comes in colossal amounts at a time. Most people see bad luck as getting splashed by a car in the rain, or finding out that the idiots at McDonald's forgot the fries in your order. But Hamlet got a quadruple dose of bad luck. First his father was unjustly murdered. Then the ghost of his father comes back and tells him that he is to avenge his death. To top it all off Hamlet finds out that his mother has just married his late fathers assassin. When Hamlet tries to expose the new king of killing his father, he is exiled to England because the other people thought that he was mentally ill. When Hamlet returns to Denmark he finds his secret love Ophelia being buried. Hamlet feels that he is living in a world of horror, and by the end of this miserably disheartening play, his fathers death is avenged, but at quite a cost. Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Laertes, and Polonius are all dead. I would have to say that all of the adversity in hamlets life had to have a great affect on his spirit. One can not go through life, and Hamlet had a short one, lose all of the people that you love and expect it to not dishearten you a little. And in Hamlets case it pretty much drove him insane.    The human spirit is a very fragile thing, and something as tragic as the death of a loved one can damage it greatly. As in Hamlets case, when his father was murdered, this started a sort of devastating chain reaction of the psyche. He started to "go nuts", and it showed. The people around him started noticing this drastic change in his personality. But his insanity was most evident during the play which he set up and called "The Mousetrap".   Hamlet sat fidgeting in his chair, staring at Caudius with accusing eyes. When his little trap had run it's course, Claudius had just about been broken. Hamlet watched as Claudius sweat and chewed his nails. When Claudius could take no more he stumbled out of the room and into the streets where hamlet proceeded to follow, dancing and screaming like a mad man. Hamlet could take no more of this torturous life, watching his mother hang off of the man who murdered his father. His spirit had been irreversibly damaged, and insanity was the price.    This play is a classic example of one of the greatest, if not the greatest The Tragedy Of Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays The Tragedy Of Hamlet Hardship, unfortunately, is a part of everyone's life. It is unavoidable, and in Hamlets case he found out that bad luck comes in colossal amounts at a time. Most people see bad luck as getting splashed by a car in the rain, or finding out that the idiots at McDonald's forgot the fries in your order. But Hamlet got a quadruple dose of bad luck. First his father was unjustly murdered. Then the ghost of his father comes back and tells him that he is to avenge his death. To top it all off Hamlet finds out that his mother has just married his late fathers assassin. When Hamlet tries to expose the new king of killing his father, he is exiled to England because the other people thought that he was mentally ill. When Hamlet returns to Denmark he finds his secret love Ophelia being buried. Hamlet feels that he is living in a world of horror, and by the end of this miserably disheartening play, his fathers death is avenged, but at quite a cost. Hamlet, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Laertes, and Polonius are all dead. I would have to say that all of the adversity in hamlets life had to have a great affect on his spirit. One can not go through life, and Hamlet had a short one, lose all of the people that you love and expect it to not dishearten you a little. And in Hamlets case it pretty much drove him insane.    The human spirit is a very fragile thing, and something as tragic as the death of a loved one can damage it greatly. As in Hamlets case, when his father was murdered, this started a sort of devastating chain reaction of the psyche. He started to "go nuts", and it showed. The people around him started noticing this drastic change in his personality. But his insanity was most evident during the play which he set up and called "The Mousetrap".   Hamlet sat fidgeting in his chair, staring at Caudius with accusing eyes. When his little trap had run it's course, Claudius had just about been broken. Hamlet watched as Claudius sweat and chewed his nails. When Claudius could take no more he stumbled out of the room and into the streets where hamlet proceeded to follow, dancing and screaming like a mad man. Hamlet could take no more of this torturous life, watching his mother hang off of the man who murdered his father. His spirit had been irreversibly damaged, and insanity was the price.    This play is a classic example of one of the greatest, if not the greatest

Friday, October 11, 2019

Music is the Only Universal Language Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resea

Music is the Only Universal Language When people think of the term literacy, they most commonly define it as the ability to read and write, in the verbal sense. But there is a wide range of literacy apart from that, which also requires mastering a set of crucial skills. One such example is musical literacy, which is the ability to read, write, or appreciate music. Musical literacy is not all that different from the verbal kind. Leonard G. Ratner, when speaking of 18th and 19th century music, writes "Both language and music had their vocabulary, syntax, and arrangement of formal structures, subsumed under the title Rhetoric" (xiv). In other words, music, like language, is based on its own set of learned rules, and both serve as a form of communication. But what exactly does it mean to be musically literate? One example is the ability to look at a piece of music and know how its components fit together, such as scales, key signatures, crescendos, and other parts. This is known as sight-reading, where people play an unfamiliar piece of music at first glance, because they understand counting and basic underlying principles. But musical literacy also has a wider definition. Listening to a symphony, playing a musical instrument, or even humming along to a song on the radio all show a general understanding of musical principles. Once an individual obtains this understanding, doors are opened. That person can appreciate music on a more complex level, and musical literacy adds to a well-rounded personality and view of the world. Once people actually understand what is going on behind music, they gain a newer appreciation of its sounds. On a personal note, I have played the piano for about 8 years, and it has opened doors for... ...s of ability. Music can be used to express everything from emotions to political opinions. It uniquely soothes us when we are unhappy, and echoes our highest spirits. Simply put, the world would be an emptier place without literacy to translate those feelings into a language that everyone understands. Overall, music is unique by its duality. Different forms are partial to a particular culture or time period, but every form can reach people all over the world and throughout time. To be literate musically is to spread thoughts and expression, and sometimes those musical ideas weigh more heavily than language can. Music serves as a bridge between generations, societies, and opinions, and without literacy, the world would be a much more restrictive place. WORKS CITED Ratner, Leonard G. Classic Music: Expression, form, and Style. London: Schirmer Books, 1980.

Police Abuse Essay

An officer who uses more force than policy allows is said to have used excessive force and may be guilty of police brutality, the excessive and lawless use of police force. Police officers are often seen as a thin blue line of protection between criminals and law-abiding citizens, but when they use excessive force, they cross the line and become criminals. Police brutality damages the image of law enforcement as well as the justice system. It leads to loss of trust in the policemen, which then creates a gap between them and people in the community. According to the early policing principles imported from 19th century England, it is the lack of centralized control which forms a corruption in America when opportunities of bribery were widespread. Police reforms from the 1930s to the 1950s sought to establish professionalism among police forces by introducing military-like command and higher performance standards. Not everyone agrees with this type of procedure when critics see the March 1991 beating of Rodney King by officers of Los Angeles Police Department which used professional policing. From Rodney King beating in 1991 through the O.J. Simpson trial, the rift has widened the threatening racial discrimination. The reasons for the gap are complex and deep. According to the experts, it is based on the nation’s painful racial history. The current practice of racial profiling, where skin color is a criterion to pull over a driver is ongoing today. For instance, when Reggie Miller, who is Black, had been ordered to pull over by a Nashville police officer for driving with expired tags, had suffered chronic back problems as a result of the beating. It was about 8:40 p.m. when he was shot on his chest and ordered him to lie face down on the ground. Within couple of minutes the officer, who didn’t have a chance to identify himself, called for backup. Suddenly Miller found himself as a cushion using his body from five police officers that had surrounded him. Miller also recalls that the officers gouge his eyes and choke him. This 1992 incident of Miller made him suffer a permanent back problem due to the beating and the shot he encountered. Police officers have no right by any  means to harass a person. Otherwise, they are more considered as criminal because of such inhumane acts. In general, brutality is a form of punishment. Police officers are not supposed to punish but are expected to protect and serve. However, they seemed to expose brutality as punishment when they beat up Adolph Archie in March of 1992. Archie was shot by a police officer and the police officer did not even bother to rush him to the hospital. Instead, they waited in the parking lot until they found out that their injured colleague had died. Then the officers took Archie in the hospital while beating him dead. Unfortunately, Archie only breathe for 12 hours and was diagnosed with two skull fractures, a broken larynx, fractures of the cheekbones, bleeding testicles, teeth had been kicked in, and his entire body was exposed to blunt trauma. Brutality is an inhuman or savage form of cruelty. Police officers need not use too much force to stop a sus pect. Police brutality is an important topic to discuss because it deals with the life of a person, the misconduct of some police officers, the burden it caused and the lesson that everyone should get from it. Police officers must realize they were not given their badge to show that they are one’s to be afraid of but to keep the peace and order of the community. They have the right to discipline a suspect which will depend on the physical condition of the latter. Police need not use the force if the suspect is already injured because it may only lead to a more tragic situation. In several cases, people died after being restrained by police officers. Police brutality does not cause anything positive. It only leads to racism, disrespect among people, loss of respect and confidence for the police and it makes citizens feel less safe. Not a single act did brutality explicit an advantage to the people. The possible solution to police brutality is to include in their training new techniques in handling suspects and criminals geared towards the demand for public policies that promote social and racial justice. Furthermore, police officers should receive antiracism and diversity training as a part of their education in police academies. Police officers must learn to conduct themselves in multiethnic and multicultural communities. To fund this  solution, everyone must cooperate by respecting the police officers in our community and the law of United States of America. Without the cooperation of everyone, the prevailing widespread of police brutality will continue to grow. The people should give a serious thought of what they are doing in order to avoid violence. Let’s just think about the victims of violence and how thousands of people die every year because of brutality. Let’s not make one of our families and our next generations become a victim of these humiliating, devastating and inhumane acts of the police. We, as a nation, need concerted effort in protest for all the victims whose lives have been stolen and sacrifice. The goal must be nothing short of creating a just, humane, peaceful and less violent society. If there is no justice, there will be no peace in the United States. The widespread of police brutality has widened all over the world. The nation must join together to eliminate repression, unjust and abusive treatment by the police in order to have a more peaceful and harmonious nation. To terminate police brutality means calling for justice for our brothers and sisters whose lives have been stolen. In addition, this will give time for the government to open their eyes for the families of those who are unjustly locked down behind prison walls. It will allow balance of justice between the government officials and the people regardless of racial status. Our world would be a better place to live in because it lessens violence, death rate, and increases the confidence and harmony between the police and the community. Moreover, the absence of such brutality will terminate arrest and harassment based on racial origin. Bibliography: â€Å"Activists Protest Against Police Brutality in LA,† MAS magazine, (August 16, 2000), 2 pages. â€Å"Call for a National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation,, October 22, 2000. â€Å"DNC Activists Protest Cop Brutality,† MAS magazine, (August 16, 2000), 2 pages. â€Å"NYPD’s Bloody Month of August 1999,, September 6, 1999. Anderson, Kelly, Police Brutality, San Diego California, Kelly Anderson, 1995. Bender, David, Policing the Police, San Diego California, David Bender, 1995. Charles, Nick, â€Å"Criminally Suspect,† SIRS, (September 1995), 4 pages. Conroy, John, Unspeakable Act, Ordinary People, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. Fitzgerald, Terence, Police in Society, New York, Terence Fitzgerald, 2000. Meeks, Kenneth, Driving While Black, New York, Kenneth Meek, 2000. Nelson, Jill, Police Brutality, New York, Jill Nelson, 2000. Roleff, Tamara, Police Brutality, San Diego California, David Bender, 1999. Steinhorn, Leonard, By the Color of our Skin, New York, Leonard Steinhorn, 1999.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Noah’s Arf: Coming to the Dogs

Kris Price possesses most of the skills that are vital to be a successful entrepreneur. Having a successful career in Nike, Inc. prior to her business venture in establishing Noah’s Arf only means that she is a skilled and accomplished employee. Despite her blossoming career in Nike, Inc. she took the risk of quitting her job to start her own business that unknowingly would be the successful animal haven as we know now called Noah’s Arf. Being an entrepreneur, one must be willing to take risks. Even without prior knowledge of what the outcomes will be in either introducing a new product or expanding one’s business to a new location, an entrepreneur should be willing to take that risk and be able to muddle through the consequences no matter how difficult it would be. Taking risks is very important in dealing with one’s business because entrepreneurs who take risks are most probably the ones who get to experience bigger successes because they were brave enough to try. Kris happens to be one of them. (Sullivan) Kris’ creativity, innovativeness, and her intention to provide services needed by people, led her to develop the concept of Noah’s Arf. From a need, and that is the need to have someone check-up and care for her pet while she traveled elsewhere as an employee for Nike, Inc., the idea of a pet care facility cropped up. It was really impressive that she made efforts to conduct research in order to have an idea of how to develop a pet care facility and determine whether other business establishments offer the kind of service that she wants to provide for her target clients. Although she was inexperienced in writing business plans, she was able to find a solution to her dilemma. She used the Business Plan Pro computer software to write a business plan before starting to develop her vision of a pet care facility. Kris’ resourcefulness led to the development of Noah’s Arf’s business plan that contains the highlights of the pet care facility, the mission and objectives of the business establishment, and the image that it wants to develop for its customer as a credible and responsible pet care facility dedicated to provide for 24-hour service to its customers. Kris once again displayed her willingness to take risks by selling her house and donating her car to be able to raise funds as capital for her business venture. She even applied for a loan, believing that everything that she will be working on will pay off soon. Because of her innate entrepreneurial qualities, Noah’s Arf proved to be successful even after two months of opening up to the public. In just six months, she was able to draw clients, totaling to twenty dogs taken care by Noah’s Arf everyday. In order to attract more customers and contribute to her already solid client base, she spends time promoting her business, the in-home care services, as she calls it, to be specific. This service is very in demand during the holiday season. Perhaps Noah’s Arf is very successful because Kris is able to provide her clients the services that they really need. In addition to this, Kris was able to pick a strategic location, and that is putting up her business near the park where most people take their pets. Lastly, her success is simply because she loves and enjoys what she is doing. According to Kris, she is â€Å"working on adrenalin now.† Noah’s Arf: The Business Plan The business plan was successful in attracting clients to patronize her business. For the most part, the services that she offers are clearly some of the needs and demands of clients. Her reputation as a very hard-working and dedicated employee and her involvement in a service-oriented company prior to her business venture is convincing enough to trust and support the services she is offering. The business plan pointed out the services that she would be offering in Noah’s Arf, her credibility and qualities as an entrepreneur to provide for the needs of her clients as needed. The means of how she is going to establish her business was also mentioned in the business plan. (Business Plan Pro) The focal point of her business plan is very ambitious, in a good way though. Through this we can say that she believes and has faith in her vision in that she plans to achieve a steady increase in the facilities’ annual income, fifty percent gross income on her products for pets, maximization of resources, and expansion in the years to come. She does not limit her services to only dogs and cats and offers convenience for her clients and their pets, etc. These services and her ability to look through the future and predict the outcomes of her business take her halfway to meeting her goals and objectives as a pet care facility entrepreneur. (Business Plan Pro) However, business plans only give the entrepreneur a guide that would lead him tentatively to where everything in the business is going. These business plans change if, in application to real life, it fails to provide for the ideal concept embodied in it. In this case, changes to the business plan will apply if for instance, Kris fails to acquire loans to start-up her business. Then there would be changes as to the target objectives and the entire plan might be altered to fit the amount of money that she has for capital. In the actual business setting, if for instance the business establishment fails to acquire the target number of clients to furnish the amount of money needed to pay off the loans, etc. because of the location, then Kris might make another plan of establishing her business elsewhere. Business plans are changed if the output of the business does not meet the intended projection for the business in a short term and long-term basis. Noah’s Arf: The Website All the necessary information for the clients who want to check out the services they offer and want to look through the character of the facility is incorporated in the website. However, it would be great if the website were redeveloped to achieve a more attractive and amusing website that people would enjoy to browse through. Since Noah’s Arf is promoting a fun and clean environment for the clients’ pest, it would a good idea to add color and vibrancy to the physical make-up of the website. The links that are found at the bottom of the webpage should be put at a taskbar that is noticeable and that people can access easily. It is good that all the basic information is there in the website. It just needs a little restructuring to be true to the character that Noah’s Arf is portraying to its clients. Advertising and Promotional Strategies The use of the website is a good strategy to win over clients. Noah’s Arf should offer free and informational newsletters that will not only be available to those who visit the website but also for people who only get the time to check their e-mails. Clients who are on the go and leave their pets to the facility should be sent e-mail about recent news and other information that is related to pet caring, etc. There should be a sign-up button wherein people can sign in their names to be able to receive free newsletters. Through this, Noah’s Arf will also be able to include in their newsletters advertising for the services they offer, new promotional services, events for animals and pet-owners, etc. Another way is to sponsor a dinner featuring the dogs or cats in a fashion show. This is a great idea because the location of Noah’s Arf is accessible to most of the pet owners who take their pets to the park. It would be a great way to attract more people and clients for them to see the quality of services offered by Noah’s Arf. Through this other people will get to see and hear from Noah’s Arfs’ client base about the goodness and quality service provided by their clients. In addition to this, Noah’s Arf can get a sponsor from animal rights organizations and get to establish a larger network because of the organization’s endorsements.    Future Challenges As she was expecting, one of the future challenges that she will be facing for her business would be expansion. As her client base expands, there would also be a need to develop her business to be able to provide for the heightened needs of her growing clients, even in other places. It would be great, although a big risk, to establish a branch elsewhere, but if there is a need to, then she must be able to do it. Another thing is that as many innovative ideas are being developed nowadays, Noah’s Arf must be able to cope up with these changes and incorporate in their business technological advances that would help in systematizing tasks in the workplace. This would be difficult phase because further research and testing is needed to prove whether these changes will be feasible for her business. Aside from this, many ideas about pet care and animal rights are now cropping up and catching the attention of the people. Noah’s Ark should be aware of these ideas to be able to shape their establishment in a way that does not cause the loss of clients and endorsers alike.             Works Cited Business Plan Pro. 2008. Dog and Cat Kennel Business Plan. Retrieved from Palo Alto Software. 11 March 2008. Noah’s Arf. 2007. Noah’s Arf. Retrieved from Noah’s Arf. 11 March 2008. Sullivan, Robert. 2006. Are You and Entrepreneur? Retrieved from Information International. 11 March 2008.   

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

First Term Paper - Why I know I am not in the Matrix

First - Why I know I am not in the Matrix - Term Paper Example As a means of integrating with the plot and philosophical subthemes of The Matrix, this particular analysis will seek to engage the reader with a well balanced understanding for why it is obvious that the life that each and every individual experiences is not a type of virtual or coded reality. In order to integrate with the question of what is â€Å"real† and what is â€Å"a subjective viewpoint†, it is necessary to discuss the way in which the theme of The Matrix can adequately be defined with respect to the way in which Descartes discussed reality and what made humans certain of anything. Descartes viewed the subjectivity of the human experience, the question of reality, and the fact that no understanding or knowledge – even any expectation – could be made with regards to the existence of something beyond our own world. However, rather than letting this be a determination for the fact that all reality is subjective and could possibly be a clever illusio n on the part of a twisted higher power, Descartes determined that the best approach to this question of reality was the famous quote, â€Å"I think therefore I am†. ... In other words, if in fact some type of computer simulation of reality helped to define the world and laid a framework for the way in which humans thought and interacted with one another, it is only logical to assume that this very same construct would not allow for independent thought with regards to considering the truth of reality. Thus, utilizing this train of logic, the individual can firmly come to an understanding that if in fact a computer simulation, far and above beyond the capabilities of humans to infer, understand, or replicate, was indeed somehow invisibly in charge of the dynamics of our own reality, any such doubt and/or consideration for such a fact would be highly discourage and ruled insane (Johnsen 227). However, as has been noted in the past several decades, consideration for such a topic has not been distanced to the outer realms of possibility and in fact has even been represented to the individual participant within society in the form of movies, artwork, grap hic novels, and discussions within the philosophical community. Another reason why the individual should not integrate with the belief that the â€Å"brain is in a vat† or that all reality is merely a construct that is carefully designed is the fact that such an approach is inherently non-falsifiable (Smoyak 9). Naturally, even a cursory level of understanding with regards to the scientific method or philosophical understanding should lead the individual to understand that a non-falsifiable theory is in and of itself unacceptable. The ultimate reason for this is that each and every theory must be able to stand upon its merit and not based upon a caveat of inherent truth. In such a way, the belief that all

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Advertising on the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Advertising on the Internet - Essay Example The world of advertising was not always the cut-throat competitive field it is today.Ads in television and newspapers were the norm a decade ago, and internet was just one of the new things on the horizon.Internet advertising actually began in 1994 when HotWired contracted 14 advertisers for its entry in the online market. In the next two years, the internet gained in popularity as a possible advertising medium, and by 1997, websites were already being advertised in the traditional media. As Kaye puts it:"The growth of Internet advertising since its 1994 birth has been truly phenomenal. What started out with banners as bland and common as roadside billboards has exploded into a rich-media interactive environment that may soon rival the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. (Kaye et al, 2001)."But the internet was not always popular as an advertising medium. At the end of the millennium, there was some serious soul-searching done by commercial enterprises on whether the internet really had the possibilities in advertising that had been earlier claimed. This was closely associated with the bursting of the bubble. As Schumann and Thorson point out in their book written in 1999:"Yet, many companies are growing disillusioned with the commercial possibilities of online advertising, and some have suggested that the Internet is better suited for interpersonal communication and personal sites rather than commercial sites.. Executives are questioning whether the potential of the Internet is real or just hype, and some companies are considering decreasing or removing their investment in online advertising".(Schumann et al, 1999) This changed down the years and the internet is now an established advertising medium due to a few specific reasons. The very first was the decreasing price of software and hardware. What used to be expensive software and hardware ten years ago has today become open source software and nearly free hardware. This has led to the increased possibility of setting up websites, and publishing content at low or negligible cost. This means more advertising space can be created at low cost. The second was wider accessibility and higher speed of the internet with the arrival of the broadband: bandwidth prices have gone down from $1000/mbps to less than $20/mbps. This has meant a larger audience, who are able to browse a large number of pages, and hence advertisements, in a short space of time. Moreover, the audience stays online longer because of the sheer speed and convenience of the medium. The internet has truly become a mass medium with two out of three people in the US surfing the internet, and a whole lot of the population, especially the youth, spending longer on the internet than on watching television. Thirdly, advertising strategies have matured in that the internet is no longer considered only a space which would provide for click-through purchases, but also opportunities for long-term brand-building. In the words of Greg Stuart, president of Interactive Advertising Bureau: "Internet advertising is without question taking share from the other media at this time and for good reason-marketers have figured out that online advertising is often the most cost-effective medium for influencing both branding and sales results." (Olsen, 2004) This brings us to our fourth reason for the establishment of the internet as an advertising medium: cost effectiveness. It is cheaper to place an ad on the internet than it is to run it in on the television or print media. One obvious example is the election campaigns run by the presidential candidates: while there are ads on TV and print, a whole host of candidates have chosen to go the internet advertising route, and possibly none has ignored the internet altogether. Right now, the internet as an advertising medium is competing with the traditional media not only because of its cost-effectiveness and an increased reach, but also because it has a potential that the television and print media do not.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Self-Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Self-Assessment - Research Paper Example Discussion In the modern demanding workstation, leaders are extremely constraint to find new and creative ways to engage and encourage their workers and affect positive change to enhance the bottom line of their organizations. Similarly, organization leadership program of study needs practical professional skills that are required to develop and maintain the organization in order to realize change, (Kuglin and Hook, 2002). Communication and leadership concepts are critical to teach employees and leaders importance of leadership and other crucial interpersonal communication skills. Communication skill is required for teams’ communication, management of conflicts in an organization, intercultural communication, and organizational change management. Experts agree communication is an interaction among people to convey different kinds of messages. Managers and leaders in organizational leadership program of study need communication skills, leadership and management skills to manage organizational information, behavior and ensure free flow of information and better communication in the organization. Therefore, an effective communication skill is crucial to achieve organizational goals and create better reputation. I have learned that leadership competency is all about having the ability to operate and lead people in a diverse organization structures, skills, cultures, and contexts; it is the ability to work or function with external and internal teams across various time zones, human resource policies and locations, (Agor, 2009). This capability makes a manager or a leader adaptive to alterations in working conditions and able to develop effective teams. Therefore, a leader needs motivation, commitment, and understanding. This is because one is managing different people, with diverse cultural backgrounds, tradition, opinions, and goals, is not easy. The group is motivated in diverse ways, and every teacher expects a different thing from an assistant manager. T herefore, as a leader one needs to be a team builder, motivator, coacher to ensure divergent views are integrated, and needs met to achieve common goals. Efficient listening is crucial for leaders. Without listening skills, a leader cannot get a response and opinions from teachers and principals and as sense of what members prefer about the teaching activities and projects. Listening will allow integration of different team members’ opinions to facilitate project success. A leader must have the ability to facilitate communication among the team members in an honest and open manner. Efficient interpersonal communication is evident when group members listen to each other and try to build on each other's contributions. Members of the group attain efficient interpersonal communication through strong leadership and self-regulation so that every member has an equal chance to contribute in the project. Resolving the conflict and decision-making are two key functions that are crucial for leaders. For successful team development, I believe the ability to make the group function, devise methods, and techniques for problem solving and decision-making is critical. Absence of consensus strategies for decision-making and conflict management may result in inconveniences,